Saturday, January 1, 2011

Special Coverage....LA are you Hug Deprived?

LA needs free hugs.


I have been observing LA over the course of the last three years and finally I feel its time to have a real confrontation with this city.  With a city made up of many good-looking singles and a funny definition for affection I truly feel this city needs more wholesome Love.

I did my research and according to the Department of Health and Human Services receiving or giving as few:

•      As 4 HuGS per day can serve as an antidote for depression
•      8 HuGS may lead to achieving mental stability and
•      12 HuGS could cause real psychological growth.

My personal philosophy is that at least 1 solid HuG a day can keep sadness away.So to raise awareness about the positive effects of HuGS, I decided to bring a small and simple act of love forward with an initiative called  “Free HuGS” on Valentine’s Day.

With an organized team of singles who happen to be Free HuGGers On-the-Go, we will break the ice and show how easy it is to bring some warmth to the city with our “Free HuGS Awareness” initiative and if we make you smile after HuGGing us, our mission is accomplished.

OUR CLAIM: “Oops we committed another HuG crime”

We will spend 4 hours in the heart of LA to HuG and make it obvious we are here to HuG with the “ Free HuG Poster” that will be proudly waved.

EXACT LOCATION: Kodak Theater: Corner of Hollywood/Highland from 12-4pm. Call me for more details: 949 338 3746

Yours Truly,

Jasmine Gokbilgin

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